The standard provides a readily recognized, easily understood system for identifying specific hazards and their severity using spatial, visual, and numerical methods to describe in simple terms the relative hazards of a material. It addresses the health, flammability, instability, and related hazards that may be presented as short-term, acute exposures that are most likely to occur as a result of fire, spill, or similar emergency.

Should I use this system in my facility? The 704 rating system is applicable to industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities that manufacture, process, use, or store hazardous materials. It is important to note that the standard is not applicable to transportation or for use by the general public. This is a relevant matter, because the NFPA 704 system is often confused with the placarding required by the Department of Transportation for hazardous materials. The standard is also not applicable to chronic exposures or to nonemergency occupational exposure.